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Ministry Partners

Here are some areas we are involved in. Each different with their own issues, difficulty, frustrations, fears and challenges. Ministry is multi faceted and filled with daily challenges and adventures. You can confidently step into partnership with RSOG Ministries because we know the daily grind and what it takes to remain faithful.

Remnant Sons Motorcycle Club

The Remnant Sons Motorcycle Club is a Christ based group of individuals who are dedicated to taking the word of Christ to the hard core biker environment. They follow all the protocols of the MC community are the love of the open road. Whether serving at a rodeo or a local church you will find these men with their fire for the Lord hard at work!

Primal Faith

Primal Faith is a ministry dedicated to promoting communications while also reaching out to the unsaved community. Using technical skills to develop audio and video tools, they reach out in a unique way and share the message of Jesus Christ.

Holy City Motorcycle Ministry

Holy City Motorcycle Ministry is an organization serving the biking community and churches. Made up of a wide variety of motorcycle riders and enthusiasts they promote relationship building in both the unchurched and churched environment.

Remnant Daughters Motorcycle Ministry

The Remnant Daughters Motorcycle Ministry is an organization of women dedicated to evangelizing and serving women within the motorcycle community at large. They understand the difficulties women deal with riding in an often male dominated environment whether as part of an MC or as a independent rider and work to share the love of Jesus Christ with them.
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Pure Life Pittsburgh

Pure Life Pittsburgh ministers everyday to the rejected, bringing a touch of the Holy Spirit and His Purity to those society fears, or tries to forget. Our desire is to see these men reach their full potential in Christ.” Why? Because God Loves sinners.
Having a presence in the County Jail since 1990, we have had the opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel hundreds of times to thousands of inmates. We have seen many come to Christ with great change in their lives. We continue these relationships after their release, or by mail if they go to another institution.
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SkylerBridge Baseball Academy

Welcome to SkylerBridge Baseball Academy, Warriors Baseball, a faith-based program. This season we are offering two teams of 12 year old players. As the program progresses we will be adding more age groups and more teams. Our philosophy involves building confidence in each player, finding their talents and gifting's and then building upon them. We do this while identifying positions that would give them opportunities to succeed and to stand out. Warrior baseball is dedicated to playing winning baseball and developing a relationship with Jesus Christ along the way. Part of that is realizing winning baseball doesn't always result in wins on the scoreboard. Our view of playing baseball includes learning about failure, dealing with adversity, and overcoming the failures and adversities associated with life. We are about winning, but not by sacrificing our integrity (on the field and off) or by putting our players in jeopardy physically, mentally or spiritually for the sake of winning.
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